Ready for track surgical instruments?
Ready to track at the instrument level? Call us now! (866)681.0944

Surgical Trays and Inner Trays Laser tags

Durable Surgical Laser Tags


NuTrace- Surgical Tray Laser Tag Identification

MANAGE ALL YOUR SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS AFFORDABLE We are EHR Ready!The difference between NuTrace and our competitors is our view of reprocessing. For them sterilization is just another department; for us, it is a complicated production line involving many steps and professionals, with the common goal of delivering quality sterile instruments and scopes to internal customers (Surgical suites, Endoscopy, ED etc). Our “Lean Process” maximizes quality, while minimizing waste and risk. The old concept of “If you want more, it will cost you more” is part of our competitor’s practice, not ours. with NuTrace surgical instrument traceability and laser marking, you will have the best instrument tracking management in the world.
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