Thank you to the North Carolina Association for Hospital Central Service Professionals for allowing us to participate in their conference at Myrtle Beach, SC.
At the conference we were able to showcase our Instrument Tracking System to over sixty different SPD managers and technicians. Our presentation included a hands walk through of each of the different steps that will be completed in each hospital. From the marking of the instrument, to linking the Datamatrix to the software, and tracking throughout the hospital, our full system was on display.
Highlighting the trip was the opportunity for one of our lead developers to join us in the presentation. Jos Bessemans who is a member of our European team was able to attend the conference and provide information regarding the reporting aspects as well as our current clients efficiency gains in Belgium.

Jos and Joe Max surveying the software
We all would like to thank everyone who came by our booth and participated in the demonstrations. The objective was to showcase the ease of use and incredible power that our software and hardware contains. We are an open book and look forward to continuing the path of aiding the SPD to reach optimal production cycles. On your mark, get set, TRACK!